Monday, September 22, 2014

I Love to Ski

When people are in love when they are in high school, it is a bit like a young kid learning to ski. They start to get the hang of it and then they start to think that they are pretty good at it. They think they have it all. And then you look up and realize there is a huge mountain above you and you couldn't really get down it really well even if you wanted to.

This is how it is to young kids in supposed love. They think that this person is the one and only and they are together and before long they brake up and its off to the next person. Of course there are the exceptions where people really do find their sole mate in high school but those chances are pretty low. Most all other times its just for show or for fun or looks.

I think people need to slow it down and start out on the bunny hill because that's where they really belong.

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