Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I read a book also

I decided to read Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell. I wanted to read this book because it sounded cool. I think the movie swore more than the book but the book is a lot better in my opinion.

This book is about a guy who aspired to become a navy seal and it describes in detail how he became one. Then it talks about a mission he went on and he was the only survivor from a team of four because they got ambushed. If you like action and explosion then read this book.

Also I noticed a person's pen name on this blog was Marcus Luttrell so kinda cool.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Real talkin' yeah

Well here it goes I guess.

I just want to show a little part of who I am.

I don't like showing myself to other people.
I'm procrastinator through and through. And that includes waking up in the morning
(And my blog).
I'd rather be outside than in most of the time.
I don't like big crowds.
I don't like loud noises.
I'd rather be reading a good book by myself than partying with friends.
(I still like to party with friends)
I  don't stress out about much. (Don't worry, be happy)
I love lemonade!
I don't think dubstep is real music.
I love classic 80's rock.
I bite my finger nails. Ahhh!
I love to see the world but nothing beats my backyard.

Thanks, Nelson, for showing me that I'm a tourist but giving me a taste of what being a resident is all about (I'm not sure if I'll ever be a true resident). Thanks to all the other awesome bloggers out there that are super good writers. You will go on to do great things.

I always spent more time reading your blogs than writing mine. I got way more out of reading others, which is kinda sad but oh well. They were just too awesome. I'm just learning how to be a good writer. You have to learn somehow I guess.

Thanks again,

Chase Vallejo

Sunday, December 14, 2014

memories remembered

I remember getting scared out of my mind when climbed 2 feet up the rock climbing wall and having to climb down.
I remember when my whole family woke up because a baby chick was chirping from the incubator. And it imprinted on my brother.
I remember playing gameboys and how we would always get a new game before a road trip.
I remember my first backpacking trip and I was so tired and my pack was way too heavy.
I remember getting sick in Greece after I ate squid and was stuck in a packed taxi going down a mountain.
I remember I was about to kick a pebble off of the Eiffel tower before my Grandpa grabbed my shoulder and told me it would kill someone. And how I kept wanting to throw a paper airplane off.
I remember when one of my hamsters ate the other one's head off and I had no idea why.
I remember when my horse was spooked and it threw me but my foot was still stuck in the stirrup when it took off running. At least until I blacked out.
I remember peeing off Mt. Timpanogos and how my friend almost fell off a cliff fetching my hiking stick that I dropped.
I remember making gingerbread sleighs with my mom for my teachers in elementary school.
I remember riding scooters out in the rain. The best time to ride scooters.
I remember sitting in the corner of the band room by myself because I wouldn't stop talking.
I remember getting caught in a rip current, the first time I felt panic.
I remember milking the cows on those cold winter nights with my Dad.
I remember trying to sell rocks on the street corner. Hey, they were cool rocks.
I remember when life was more simple, and the juice tasted a little sweeter.

Friday, December 5, 2014



Within this battle of ideas its time for another great debate. Unifying everything struggling to forge a new path.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Conversations with my heart

Me: I need to finish my homework

Heart: Let's go outside!

Me: I want to sleep in

Heart: wake up early and do service!

Me: I want to hit that deer so bad 

Heart: all animals play a vital role to the forest

Me: I want to punch that dude

Heart: not yet 

Me: blog about stuff. You know.

Heart: let your true feelings paint the canvas

Me: I like chocolate

Heart: chocolate is good 

Me: dumb dog stop jumping on me

Heart: the dog wants to be your friend

Me: I am late!

Heart: rushing is not going to fix the real problem here

Me: that girl is cute

Heart: yeah go talk to her

Me: nah I'm good 

Heart: you dummy head 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The tree I carved my heart into

My father once showed me the place where he carved my mothers and his initials into a birch tree.

He woke me up one summer morning and asked if I wanted to go for a drive. Just me and you he said. I miss those adventures. When the smell of pine trees and the sound of the river are all that occupy your thoughts.

Mom made us sandwiches and we were off. I climbed into the back of that old jeep and my dad said to get up in the front. It felt like I was being allowed to sit at the grown-up table at thanksgiving. Boo-yah! Now if only I could avoid falling out of this doorless tipping machine. The sound of the carburetor mixed with the rushing of the wind around my hair. The rhythmic timing of the shifting gears felt like a little shove pushing me closer to something I call home.

Good thing I brought a jacket. Because the higher the road of life takes you, the easier it is to get a little chilly if your not careful. But we always brought a football in case we stopped at a park. And the grass was so green then. But now it is cold. And the grass is encased by a foot of ice and snow. But it will come around. It always does. The sun is so persuasive that it makes all the trees come back to life. All the lonely thoughts of winter are quickly erased the first time it gets above 58 degrees. If only it could stay a toasty 98.6 all the time.

I've seen carvings on trees before. But this time it was different. This one is special. If it weren't for this tree I probably wouldn't be writing this right now. But I am. And the tree is there.

Sometimes scars will make you feel ugly, but let me tell you right now they are the most beautiful thing that can happen to you. It means you been somewhere, done something. Some call them battle scars. But I like to call them PROOF OF LIVING. I don't mean that yes, your heart is beating and your lungs are breathing. I mean that your eyes are seeing. Really seeing. And your fingers are feeling not just the screen on your i
phone but the earth and the rocks and the freezing cold water that will make it go numb, which is really feeling.

Yes I used to think that carving trees were bad too. But you know what? I bet that old birch tree was happy to have been carved into to someones heart. Just make sure it's someone you really care about before you go around carving into to living things. Because trees will not forget you very easily. Neither will the person who's name you've carved into theirs.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

el dia de los muertos

I think the concept of death does not occur to us naturally. A child doesn't have any idea what death is. That is until media and violence on TV portray death as guys shooting other guys. But for some it may come because a relative died. But it is still foreign. Little kids often times will say that they are sleeping. I don't think dying needs to be something to be afraid of, but it should encourage us to do as much good as we possibly can while we are still here. In the face of death, whats really important to us comes out. In lots of funny movies when someone thinks they're going to die they will start confessing random stuff from a long time ago. In a way this has an element of truth in it. Don't wait till you're on your death bed to tell your family and friends you love and appreciate them. Try to let them know that each and every day in little ways. And appreciate and honor those who have lived before. And make them proud. Do something every day that makes it worthwhile to be alive. I think death has more to do with being alive than it does with dying. If that makes any sense.

Live each day as if it were your last. 

But don't go doing a bunch of crazy crap because then it probably will be your last. 
